Your body writhes
in my arms
hot with pain
and frustration.
Arching your back,
you stretch away from me,
trying to get away
from the pain –
The terrible feeling of
the tender pearls
we can just barely see,
ripping through your
sweet, smooth baby gums,
unrelentingly and
without warning.
The look in your eyes
breaks my heart.
Why is this happening, Mama? You seem to be asking,
your eyes wide and
full of pain and confusion.
I wish I could make it stop.
The comforts I offer –
the breast
ice pack
cold cucumber
teething oil
only offer temporary relief
until once more,
a wave of pain
crashes over you.
I can’t help but wonder if
someday you’ll give birth.
Will your bellowing wails and tears today
as you bring forth your first set of teeth
echo these many years into the future
as you bring forth a child into the world?
I assure you tonight, as I will assure you then –
you can do this, darling.
This pain is temporary and
but it will end.
Ride the wave and
bring forth the fruit of your labor.
You can do this.
And while the pain consumes you,
remember that you are not alone.
Your experiences are shared
because you are a part of
me and
I am a part of you.
You will never be alone.